4.18 上海丨DVCon China 2018 正式开放注册!
半导体行业观察作为DVCon 中国的官方合作伙伴
感谢Accellera,组委会全体同仁,以及半导体业界伙伴们的支持,DVCon中国2017取得了巨大的成功。六个由Accellera,Cadence,Mentor和Synopsys提供的Tutorial,八篇演讲技术论文,和大量的展板技术论文,涵盖了软件仿真,硬件仿真,UVM,GPU建模,调试策略,形式验证,SystemC,低功耗设计验证,Portable Stimulus,虚拟建模, Fault Simulation,机器学习等领域。为与会的200多位工程师提供了充实的一天。如今DVCon中国2018来临了。
Mentor, a Siemens Business 的董事局主席兼CEO,Wally Rhines博士,在DVCon中国2017的开场主题演讲中和我们分享的数据显示,在全球范围,中国的工程师能更快地接受并应用IC设计和验证的新技术和方法学。在这个中国半导体行业的黄金时代,DVCon中国组委会很荣幸地继续为大家提供这个平台来探讨IC设计和验证的新技术,新方法,新趋势,并为来自各个公司的专家交流分享经验创造机会。DVCon中国2018的参会者将能从系统级设计,验证,IP重用与设计自动化,混合信号设计和验证,低功耗设计与验证,高性能设计与验证,虚拟建模等方面选择深度主题演讲,访问参展商展位,和行业精英们交流。
DVCon 中国2018 大会主席
Dear friends,
Welcome to the 2nd Design and Verification Conference and Exhibition China (DVCon China).
Thanks to Accellera, the members of DVCon China committee, and all community friends from semiconductor industry and academy, DVCon China 2017 was the first DVCon held in China, and was a great success. 6 tutorials from Accellera, Cadence, Mentor and Synopsys, 8 technical papers, and dozens of poster papers covering Simulation, Emulation, Debug, Formal, System C, Low Power, Portable Stimulus, Virtual Prototyping, UVM, Fault Simulation, Machine Learning, and more, gave the 200+ attendees a wonderful day in Shanghai. Now DVCon China 2018 is coming.
As Dr. Wally Rhines, President and CEO of Mentor, a Siemens Business shared with us in the DVCon China 2017 opening keynote, Chinese engineers adapt new design and verification technologies faster worldwide. In this golden era for the China semiconductor industry, it’s the pleasure of DVCon China committee members to continue providing this platform of new design and verification methodologies, new technologies, new trends, and experiences sharing to more Chinese IC engineers. Attendees can attend various technical sections covering System Level Design, Verification & Validation, IP Reuse and Design Automation, Mixed-Signal, Low Power, High Performance design and Verification, virtual prototyping among other topics, as well as visit the exhibition booths and communicate with the experts from different companies.
Looking forward to meeting you all in DVCon China 2018.
Sincerely yours,
Jinnan Huang
DVCon China 2018 General Chair
- 半导体行业观察
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